Sunday Morning Reading and Audio

posted on September 23rd, 2007 by in Article, Fashion


It´s a lazy Sunday morning, so I´m just gonna provide you with some interesting reading

- The Piracy Paradox (why knockoffs are good for fashion) (via Boing Boing)
- Wie Karmaloop seine Kunden zu (Mit-)Verkäufern macht (sorry to all the non German-speaking readers…)

and some wicked music recommended by our friend Dylan Powe (Prodigal Ent.):

- The Party Vol. 5: Hands Up (“good hipster crunk electro mix” incl. Jamaica´s new female sensation Natalie Storm)
- Santogold (“a punk reggae nuwave voice” produced by Switch – also check this feature and that FADER article)

One comment on “Sunday Morning Reading and Audio”

  1. Afflicted said at 5:05 am on September 25th, 2007:

    Reeeeal hipster dat unno..him and Ahmadinejad

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