Look Good Monday: Peter Fox, Lodown, Style Mag, Lexposure and Stylecaster

posted on March 9th, 2009 by in Article, Event, Fashion, Video

Looks like I haven´t shown the video above even though it has been out there for almost two months now. Well, shame on me. It´s the German don of good mainstream music, Peter Fox, with his tune “Schwarz Zu Blau” (“Black to Blue”). The video shows off some Berlin street art and the single release features a version with Tanya Stephens.

Let´s stay in Berlin for the next two chunks of news: a) Lodown magazine has relaunched its website and even though I don´t really get why they couldn´t manage to establish a proper permalink structure, comments and shit, I still think it´s a major step in the right direction. b) Style and the Family Tunes magazine got a new face as well and has become a quarterly. The goal is to “escape the bits and pieces mentality of the web” with the new format and let the website do the dirt.

In other news, two websites promising to be “the future of style and fashion” on the internets, popped up and are searching for an audience: Stylecaster – “the world’s first personal style discovery platform” – and Lexposure – “the leading networking and information website for the fashion and creative scene”. We´ll see if they can live up to their claims. Whatever happens though, it´s good to see the Hype side of the HypeDiss concept being back in place.

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