Jamaica Observer Blog

posted on December 15th, 2007 by in Article, Photography, SEEN


One of the two serious daily newspapers of Jamaica, The Observer, launched a new weblog named “Obervations“. Observer journalist Ross Sheil, former Gleaner editor and contributor to e. g. FIRST and Riddim magazine, describes the blog in the following way:

Observations highlights new ideas, innovations, inspirations, issues and people impacting development in Jamaica and the Caribbean.
There is much happening in the region that is worthwhile yet often goes uncovered, which is where we are trying to make a difference.
Already we have touched on a range of subjects and stories: micro-finance initiatives in our deprived inner city communities; entertainment; converting shipping containers into homes and a Jamaican scientist who shared in the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize.
It is early days still, but we are already starting to feature multimedia and as we progress, an increasing range of contributors.

The most recent story featured on the blog (which will also be published in tomorrow´s Sunday newspaper´s finance section and the main website), is an article on “Passa Passa”- Tivoli Gardens´ weekly hardcore Dancehall session that has managed to become a “downtown tourism brand” (no worries: that doesn´t mean Spanish Town Rd. is crowded by fat white “ladies” getting their hair braid each Wednesday night) over the years.

Our friend Ross interviewed another friend and business partner of seen., Dylan Powe, for the story and used two of the pictures seen.´s creative director Gabriel Holzner took in Tivoli while our stay in Kingston. See it after the jump.

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