Peter Dean Rickards – new portfolio site

posted on August 12th, 2010 by in Jamaican Style, Photography, SEEN

Today, photographer, writer and filmmaker Peter Dean Rickards has launched his new portfolio site.

For more than one decade now, Rickards has been showing the world that Jamaica can look quite different than what we are used to from cheesy postcards, poor reggae album sleeves or cluttered Appleton night life guides – just by having a different look at it.

He has always been a major visual influence for seen. – from the days when we hunted down the first issues of FIRST in dodgy Kingston fashion stores and uptown rum bars to those when I drove from Mona Campus to Barbican or Stony Hill everyday after UWI classes to work with him on projects like The Afflicted Yard – Kingston 2002-2006 or reduxed versions of FIRST magazines.

On his new site, Rickards finally makes most of his work easily accessible.

His pictures have been published by magazines and newspapers all around the globe and I still hope that one day a publisher will do Rickards’ portfolio justice and release a mad decent coffee table book with his photographs.

One comment on “Peter Dean Rickards – new portfolio site”

  1. Htyhtry said at 7:17 am on August 21st, 2010:

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